
2021年10月18日—...144Hz要更換成DP線(我也不確定我的HDMI是哪種,只知道螢幕送來時沒附DP)...花生Seanut請問一下,若我使用手機攝影及拍照ufotest結果都是低fps的 ...,2017年8月31日—Suchasa144Hzmonitorconnectedtoa60Hzlaptop.Closethelaptoplidandmakethe144Hzmonitortheprimaryandonlymonitor.UseAeroMode ...,2022年4月15日—Hi,JustrecentlyboughtanewMacbookwiththe120HzrefreshrateandInoticedmyPCmonitorfeelsalotles...


2021年10月18日 — ... 144Hz要更換成DP線(我也不確定我的HDMI是哪種,只知道螢幕送來時沒附DP) ... 花生Seanut請問一下,若我使用手機攝影及拍照ufo test 結果都是低fps的 ...


2017年8月31日 — Such as a 144Hz monitor connected to a 60Hz laptop. Close the laptop lid and make the 144 Hz monitor the primary and only monitor. Use Aero Mode ...

144Hz monitor displays only 60Hz despite UFO test saying ...

2022年4月15日 — Hi, Just recently bought a new Macbook with the 120Hz refresh rate and I noticed my PC monitor feels a lot less smooth than the mac display ...

UFO test question - Displays

2023年12月20日 — Hi, I have a 2k 144hz monitor and I want to test its response time and see if there is any ghosting so I ran an UFO test 144hz 960fps and it ...

Stuck at 60Hz on a 144Hz screen testing with blur busters ...

2021年4月5日 — So I've gone on windows and set the Hz to 144, and the GeForce software says 144Hz, but on UFO motion test, still says 60Hz, wtf am I doing ...

Refresh Rate

This refresh rate test is designed to accurately measure your refresh rate of your display in Hertz (Hz). Wait at least 30 seconds for an accurate ...

UFO Test

Blur Busters UFO Motion Tests with ghosting test, 30fps vs 60fps, 120hz vs 144hz vs 240hz, PWM test, motion blur test, judder test, benchmarks, and more.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
